Photographer since 1985, he applies to still-life photography and to architecture. Since 1991 he specializes in light-painting, with a research about the figures and creates images strongly characterised by allegorical choices. He exposes in private or public exhibitions and in variuos national and foreign centres. In 2001 the revew “Il Fotografo” dedicates him the cover-story; in 2005 “Tutti Fotografi” too dedicates him the cover and a long article. His reportages are published in different headlines of national revews. Concerning advertisements and industry, he cooperated with units such as Merloni, Flos, Centrale del Latte, Asm, Edilkamin, Rocca, Fonderie Ips, Fondital, Alfalaval, Sultzer, Coop, Magis, Volkswagen Italia. He's a photography teacher in the Camillo Benso Institute of Brescia and in te LABA Academy. He made reportages combining professional research and social attention. He told the “Storia di un pacco” through images. That's the story of a parcel leaving Milano to reach immigrant's family in Ukraine (published by Max in 2004). The exposure is presented in Genova, Ovada, Torino, Lecce and during various iniziatives about the Kurdish dispersion; he took part to the exhibition about women's movement with a series of femal portraits exposed at the Umanitaria of Milano in 2006. In 2007 he realizes images for the STANZEVUOTE exposure, about saturday night's death. The exposure is presented in Great Britain too, within the association “Road's Victims” of Great Britain. It's published and presented in different iniziatives of “Ass”, Road's Victims in Italy.
He travelled many times to the turkish Kurdistan, realizing an exposure dedicated to the Kurdish people from wich is born “CURDI, un popolo negato” (ed. Puntorosso, Milano, 2008). The book is presented in Palazzo Isimbardi during the meeting between Leyla Zana and the Provincia of Milano. In 2009 he realizes the series “Sfiorare”, a homage to the Nature between shapes and poetry. In 2001 the Comune of Brescia hosts the exhibition “Pola-Road” in the S. Giulia's Museum. In the Spring of 2011 he exposes in Zurigo the first part of the series “Come Tu Mi Vuoi”, work in progress about the women and teen-age.
He makes videos about local history and identities, themes that attract him. In 1999 he won the “Premio Lombardia” for his collection of images called “...Ho visto volare una bicicletta” (about the Piazza Loggia's massacre). In 2002 his video received the Menzione Speciale Stampa Nazionale at the Festival Opere Nuove of Bolzano. In the same year he obtaines a special prize at the Concorso Nazionale Aido with the short film “Domande e Risposte”, with the participation of his students. The video “Forse Meglio” about the speed's myth and the saturday night's death obtains the prize Lyons Club 2004. The short film “Una vita su due ruote” won the second prize at the Concorso Ciclofilmfestival in 2005.
In 2006, in Casale Monferrato, he presented a video called “La Scatola Nera” ( HYPERLINK "" He showed it in Genova too, the next year, in Palazzo Ducale and in 2008 in Spazio ex-Breda in Milano.
The Pola-Road's series, here presented is a Polaroid's selection realized during various edition of the Mille Miglia, manipulated trhough the transfer process.